About Me

Heenal Sanghvi

UI Developer, Python Developer, Technology Analyst, System Administrator

My Career

Infosys Limited

Working as Full Stack Developer to create rules-engine based UI templates in react and handle Rest services in Spring Boot

January 2020 - Till Date
Technology Analyst

University of Southern Mississippi

Developed a Website for Mississippi Science and Education Fair

August 2018 - May 2019
Graduate Assistant

University of Southern Mississippi

Taught 101 Introduction to Computing which includes teaching about DNS,Websites, SQL and Microsoft services

Auguest 2017 - April 2018
Graduate Assistant

DXC Technologies

BI system administrator for Informatica and Hyperion ETL tools

August 2015 - August 2017
Associate Professional Programmer Analyst

My Skills

My Projects

Mississippi Science & Education Fair

A science fair judging website for school fairs. developed in React, Redux and Express

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Product and Customers

a redux based project to show product stock update in real time

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NoSql Database Comparisons

Performance comparison between Cassandra and MongoDB for specific transactions over a data warehouse.